Magic Potions, Vikings, and Children’s Rights


This week we were very excited about Halloween! We did some Halloween science experiments using lots of different sweets.  We wondered what would happen to them if we put them in our magic potions.  Some sweeties dissolved and lost all their sugar and colouring.  The gummy sweeties puffed up and grew much larger.  We think they were absorbing water like sponges.  Our potions are still changing now and we’re checking them everyday.  (Andrew, Bonita, Chloe and Milly P3)

Viking Topic

We have finished our Viking topic now and learned the last ofviking-ship our Viking Saga songs.  Our favourite songs were Loki the Joker and Goblins-a-go-go.  We loved the Viking topic.  It was fun and we made lots of good stuff.  We loved going to Vikingar and making shields and the longship.  We thought the stories about Viking gods were a bit weird.  Everyone thinks Viking helmets had horns but they didn’t! (Amelia, Blair, Isla, Katie, Lewis, and Rebecca P2)

Children’s Rights

We learned about Children’s Rights this week.  Rights are to do with things we need and they can’t be taken away.  (Sam and Gordon P1)

We have the right to be safe.  We stay safe in school by following the rules.  (Katie and Lacey P1)

You have the right to be safe and you shouldn’t tell anyone your real name and address when you’re on the computer.  Only talk to people you know are your real friends.  You could be talking to someone you don’t know.  You shouldn’t ever talk to people you don’t know.  (Baxter, Leah, Ruaridh and Logan P1)

A Mysterious and Magical Adventure in P1-3

The Mysterious Table

This has been a very exciting (and spooky) week for us.

On Thursday when we got into the class there was a table in the classroom with BAT BLOOD, SNAKE VENOM, FROG BLOOD and SPIDER VENOM on it! There was a sparkly cover on the table and a spell book and a magic wand. There was a letter too, which said “Forgot the worm snot. Back soon.”

We were very curious about who had left this so we decided to try and find clues.  We were like real detectives and we hunted for evidence in the playground and in the school.  We found some very strange and interesting things.  There were claw marks and strange coloured marks on the walls, we had never noticed before.  We also found an unusual coin, odd sticks, some broken pottery, strange plastic objects, some leaves that smelled like worm snot and a very mysterious silver hair.

You will never believe what happened next…when we came back from playtime everything that had been on the table had disappeared except for another note!  It said “Sorry to spook you!”  The mystery key (that appeared from nowhere a while ago) was also gone!  We were so shocked that we decided to write our own magical potion spells to be just like the mysterious visitor.