Messy Times in P6-7 by Zoe and Talia

We’ve been learning how to play touch rugby.  We were in 2 teams – reds and blues.  The Blues won.  We slipped in the mud – A LOT! There was a lot of sliding when we were trying to get a touchdown.  We hope (please Miss Jack?) that we can play it again.

We’ve started our preparations for the school’s entry for the Strathaven Bonfire Guy competition.  We are in 3 groups and each group has a different plan for their Guy.  One group is making Darth Vader, one group is making Hilary Clinton as a witch with Donald Trump in a cauldron, and the last group is making Miss Muir!  We’ve started making papier mache faces for them.  We’ve still got to do a lot of work.  Watch this space for pictures next week or come to see our Guy at the Bonfire in Strathaven Park on 5th November.

We’ve started this terms new Dojo Points.  If we get to keep 85% of our points we will get a fun day as a treat for our hard work and good behaviour.  Last term it was SOOO much fun when we met out target and had a pyjama party where we watched a movie with popcorn and juice!

A Busy Week for P4-5 by Abigail and Rebecca

We’ve been learning about money in Maths, using decimal points and rounding to the nearest pound.  This is important because it helps you work out easily if you can afford to buy something in a shop.  Some of us found it quite tricky and some of us found it easy – it was easy/hard.

We made our Christmas card designs! It was really fun and a bit strange to be designing a Christmas card in October.  We used collage techniques and paint.  Scrumpled paper worked really well too!  We’re really looking forward to seeing what our designs look like when they’re made into cards and wrapping paper.

To finish off our Strathaven topic we started making leaflets about why Strathaven is a good place to visit.

In PE we’ve been doing golf.  We got into teams and had to try and hit the ball into cones.  The team that got rid of all their cones first won.  It was a lot of fun and it helped us work on our aim when we’re hitting the ball.

Phew, it’s been a busy week!

Before School Clubs

Before-School Clubs

As our morning clubs have proved successful, we will be offering additional sessions for P1-3 and P4-7 pupils this term.

Class:             P1-3 pupils

Dates:             Wednesday 11th, 18th, 25th May, 1st, 8th June

Time:              8am – 9am                 

Venue:            School Gym Hall


Class:             P4-7 pupils     

Dates:             Thursday 12th, 19th, 26th May, 2nd, 9th June

Time:              8am – 9am     

Venue:            School Gym Hall