Rights Respecting Schools Committee Update

We are really excited to be having our RRS Silver Award assessment in a couple of weeks and have been busy getting organised.  We have been making good progress with our Action Plan.

Clyde-Avon-Nethan-logo-three-colour-e1507297675568Clyde, Avon & Nethan Foodbank (Article 27 UNCRC – the right to an adequate standard of living)

We are holding our second collection for the Clyde, Avon & Nethan Foodbank this week.  We had a really successful collection at Christmas time after Sharon McPherson from the Foodbank came to talk to us.  We have decided to hold collections for a week, every two months, and will give everyone notice of the items most needed.  If you would still like to donate this week, they are looking for tinned vegetables and long-life milk and fruit juice.

Playground Charter Update (Article 31 UNCRC – the right to relax and play)

We worked with the classes and staff to review and update our Playground Charter.  We held an assembly to let everyone know about the new Charter and we have designed and made a fantastic display in our open area.

Safer Internet Day (Articles 17 and 36 UNCRC the right to information and the right to be protected from exploitation)

Safer Internet Day was in February this year but because it was a really busy time in school we are planning to have our Safer Internet Day in the last week before the Spring break.  We are busy preparing our activities for this.