Eco Schools Update from Daisy and Nathan

We have been doing lots of work to improve the school grounds recently.  The Eco Committee have made up a new rota to tackle litter and we have cleaned the climbing wall, which had become very slippery and mossy.  Our next job is to clear out the plant pots and beds before the holidays and we are looking for a more accessible spot for the compost bin to encourage people to us it more.

We are going to have Eco Monitor’s in each class to make sure we are not wasting the school’s resources and are doing our best to save energy.  We are running a competition to design an Eco Monitor badge, so that the Monitor in each class has a special badge to wear and everyone knows who they are.  Get your designs in for a chance to win!

We are really excited to be hosting a Big Breakfast in the new year, so watch out for more news on this.  breakfast